Five Frozen Treats for Your Kong-loving Dog

Five Frozen Treats for Your Kong-loving Dog

April 11, 2017

Summer is just around the corner and we want to help your pets stay cool. Try these frozen treat recipes to keep your dog entertained and satisfied! These recipes are meant to be frozen inside of a Kong dog toy, but can also be frozen in ice cube trays as an alternative.


Wild Maine Blueberry


1 handful of blueberries (fresh or frozen)

1 cup of plain, unsweet yogurt


Shepherd's Pie


1/2 cup of shredded cheese

1/2 cup of cottage cheese

1/4 cup carrots, diced

2 tablespoons of beef FLAVORS


Tropical Smoothie

1 banana, mashed

2 tablespoons of unrefined coconut oil

1 cup of plain, unsweet yogurt


The Southern Hospitality

peanut butter

1 cup of crunchy peanut butter

1 tablespoon of honey

1 cup of yogurt

2 tablespoons of chicken FLAVORS


Pacific Coast Cod

fish filet

2 tablespoons of fish FLAVORS

1 cup of cottage cheese

1 egg, scrambled (make sure it is cooked thoroughly!)

1/2 cup of green beans, chopped

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